Sunday, 25 January 2009

Travel - moving slow(er)

I came across a book of ideas for enjoying travel in a more experimental way.

One of my favourite suggestions is to just follow the street signs until you can go no further. An Oxford academic tried this and found himself in a place he never even knew existed, off the beaten track and out of the town of the gown of university spires.

I think the same type of game might be adopted for getting out of bed - go left, left left - and i would just stay in the same spot - up against the wall and going nowhere fast.

Aside from that i would like to travel a lot slower - get on a train, a ship, a pigeon...


Yesterday i had a day of celebration by total accident. I have been going out more and looking at stuff - exhibitions (interspecies at cornerhouse - catching delia the pig on her last day), theatre (Contradictions at Contact). I was on my way to the theatre and had an hour to kill on Oxford Road. I didn't fancy hanging out on a Saturday night in any dingy student bars, drinking for the sake of it and sitting alone in a throng of people - why - because that is lonely as hell. Crossing over from the student union bar i went into the Church - Holy Name - a catholic outfit. Inside, unsure of what to do, i watched as people came in and out, bowed to the alter, sat, prayed, crossed themselves and popped in and out of small rooms with small doors. It was intriguing, beautiful and restful. I didn't know the rules but could probably work them out. I picked up a service sheet and it was all in latin. Memories of loving latin at school came flooding back. I think i was pretty religious as a kid, confirmed and everything - i wanted to belong to the church but then one day the pastor (lutheran) told me that studying genetics at University and going to church didn't go together. Something had to go...

Thursday, 22 January 2009

Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Lucky star...

I was asked today "With the choice of anyone in the world, who would i like to have dinner with?"

This might well change with time but today, in my playful mood and seeking the nostalgic comfort of the 80s, it was Madonna, 1983, the night before she made this video. I would also hang out on set when they made the video, miming and failing miserably to master the dance steps and committing to memory the opening sequence to the video.

Hmm scratch that... perhaps it might be HOLIDAY - the dance moves are easier..

Friday, 16 January 2009

Song of the week...

I watched Mike Figgis' Stormy Monday this week and it brought me to this song which features on the soundtrack. No matter what anyone says about YouTUBE - it lets us peek into the past and re-find some very special moments...