Wednesday, 23 July 2008

Mapping Creativity

Mapping Creativity

£25K commission & four £1K development grants up for grabs by a Manchester-led team

Manchester Beacon aims to commission an interactive project that drives Manchester's collective creativity.

The commissioned project will use disruptive, open source or social technologies to aggregate and maximise Manchester’s resources.

It will catalyse, facilitate and forge links between disconnected communities through a series of physical and virtual activities.

It will facilitate better communication between two or more social groups and provide tools to visualise this interaction.

The project will be co-designed with its users and have the potential to live on after the commissioned project is over.

The winning project will be supported, not driven, by technology.

The project was evolved at bTWEEN08 with a workshop led by proboscis using their storycubes to define a landscape of ideas to inform the commissioning brief. Just-B Productions have worked closely with us to eke out what we want from the commission and evolved the brief into something that hopefully people will be interested in getting involved, climbing aboard and steering the project in new and surprising directions.

More info here:
or click here to download the brief or come along to a networking event to find out more.

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