Tuesday, 19 May 2009

Interdependence - surprising things that happen...

I just moved abode - from a house to a flat - (the reasons are incidental i guess but related to this idea of interdependence). Anyhoo. I don't have internet access at the new place - and setting it up is tricky cos i want the internet access at the old place to be kept on so people can keep their email addresses. The problem is that at the old place the internet account and the telephone are both in my name. So this creates double the amount of work for me - cancelling the old one and setting up a new one at the new place. I wonder if there isn't some simple service that can sort this sort of thing out for me - trying to get hold of BT is not exactly easy - well i can get through to a machine but i can't get through to someone to explain my problem.

The long and short of this is that i have not sorted out my phone or internet and am using local cafes with wireless access to go online in the evening.

My usual place for this is 'an outlet' on the corner of Dale Street but it wasn't open so i wandered, computer under arm to NEXUS cafe. Turns out there is a music event on tonight 'this is not a band' - people drop-in and play instruments together with a bit of audience participation as to what the 'not a band' might play. So far i am enjoying it. And actually it is providing me with a nice little state of interdependence - free wireless, music, social company in exchange for a coffee and home made almond cake. I am wondering whether i should bother contacting BT and staying phoneless and internet-less at home.

The peeps here are also about to launch a community garden project for their regulars to come and get involved in. This greatly appeals to me as - i don't have a garden (i now live in a flat) and city living is sorely lacking in green spaces. I have just been reading about how people need to be able to shape the spaces they inhabit - a garden is a pretty cool starting point. And if it attracts birds and bees - well that's a whole other sustainable living interdependence. Here's hoping...

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