Saturday 30 August 2008

Everywhere else

I've been on holiday for the past couple of weeks and my mind has been on everything and everyone else's happenings in other countries: the olympics, the US elections. The US elections are becoming thrilling. It is thrilling to see a packed out stadium of people supporting a black man. I mean the last guy(s) got shot: malcolm x, martin luther. And in the back of my mind is this fear that obama cannot be all that we want him to be - he is after all, just a man. Is he his own man i wonder? how shrewd is he really? or is he a puppet? The more real he is, the more likely he is to be shot... it is already playing out like a thriller. Him and his wife and his black family being loved by white americans - its unheard of. Is it possible that the vehicle on which the western world is built i.e. capitalism, can embrace a black man to run it when... well you know the history of the industrialised world and how its empire was built. China and America - they are the places to be watching but not for the reasons we think. Some other shit is surely going on that we just don't know about or - is this for real?

One thing for sure is that Obama can write - he knows how to tell a story and to do that on paper. I started reading his book, the one about his father and exploring his identity. We seem to have something in common - although the twist in my father's story is almost too amazing to believe...

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